This post is an introduction to my attempt of creating my own programming language along with its compiler. I’m trying to keep it simple and I’m skipping some in my opinion unnecessary details to make this post also understandable for beginners.

My motivation for writing a compiler is that a long time ago during my Computer Science studies at university I wrote an interpreter of some really easy procedural language (in Haskell). I remember I really enjoyed that experience - I learnt a lot. Although writing a compiler is hard, because there are plenty things one have to know - starting from context-free grammars, semantics, programming languages theory to optimization algorithms I really loved these topics. It’s a great opportunity to recall them and learn plenty new stuff!

So, let’s start from what actually is a compiler.


In short words compiler is a program which can translate source code in one programming language to a source code in an other language.

To describe some types of compilers we need to know a bit more about types of programming languages in case of abstraction level - they are called high-level and low-level programming languages.

Low-level programming languages

You can think about low-level programming languages as languages, which instructions are very close to processor instructions. They have almost no abstractions and hardware determines a way in which program is written. That’s why they are not portable between different processor architectures.

It’s really hard to write in them, you have to care about everything - memory management, using proper numerical codes for instructions, managing register, etc. Also programmer needs to deeply understand an architecture of processor on which he is writing code. One of examples is assembly language.

For low-level languages there are only compilers, I’m not aware if any interpreter exists.

High-level programming languages

On the other side we have high-level programming languages. They use abstractions, even a bit similar to natural language, so it’s much easier to write a code. They also don’t rely on architecture so much. Code written in them may not execute so quickly as code in low-level languages - its execution speed depends on optimizations used by a compiler. Also usually they use much more memory to run.

High-level programming languages can be both compiled and interpreted.

So, now as we know what is high-level and low-level programming language, we can describe some types of compilers.

Types of compilers

There are many types of compilers, starting from:

  • machine code compiler - outputs machine code or some code in low-level programming language
  • source-to-source compiler - it translates from high-level language to another high-level language
  • just-in-time compiler - some compilation stages are deferred to be done in a run-time (used in Java, .NET, Smalltalk), used for high-level languages
  • stage compiler - it translates code to assembly language or some abstract language of some (virtual or abstract) machine (used in Erlang, Java, Python for translating to bytecode), used for high-level languages

Structure of a compiler

Usually compilers have two parts - frontend and backend. They can be implemented separately - they are almost independent of each other. Only one condition must be fulfilled - output of a frontend part must be a valid input to a backend part.

Compiler frontend

Frontend part of a compiler is mostly focused on analyzing an output then generating an intermediate representation of an input program. On the picture there are components used by fronted part of compiler with their outputs:


I’m not going to describe them deeply now, because each of these parts is quite complicated. I’m going to write about them in the future.

  1. Lexical Analyzer - does lexical analyze, so it divides input program(character stream) to tokens (they are just meaningful parts, for example each variable name is a token)
  2. Syntax Analyzer - it analyzes syntax, usually it uses context-free grammar definition of a language and checks if input fits to it.
  3. Semantic Analyzer - it analyzes if meaning of input is correct also can checks types. For example it can check if after every if there is a boolean expression.
  4. Intermediate Code Generator - generates some abstraction of input code.

Compiler backend

Backend of a compiler is focused on generating source code in target programming language along with some optimizations. Also it is responsible for making code to fit to a desired architecture.

On the picture there are components used by a backend part of compiler with their outputs:


It starts from intermediate representation of a code from a frontend part of a compiler, then it does optimizations on this abstract code, generates code in target language and again does some optimizations.


Interpreter executes a program line/block by line/block. It means it executes instructions almost directly. It has to store the actual state of execution (like variables) in its memory (usually it uses some virtual machine).

Examples of interpreted programming languages: Lisp, PHP, Perl, MATLAB, R.

Structure of an interpreter

Interpreter is quite similar to a frontend part of a compiler. Probably it’s even possible to create a compiler from an interpreter. The only difference is that instead of generating intermediate representation of a code interpreter just execute it:


We know a bit about compilers and interpreters. Let’s jump into some advantages and disadvantages of using them!

Compiler versus Interpreter

Interpreter could be almost a frontend part of a compiler. It means they both do lexical, syntax and semantic analyze. But interpreter does not do any optimizations, so execution speed can be much slower. Compiler prepares code for running, interpreter execute it.

When we make changes to a program in compiled programming language, we have to recompile it. It can take some time, because compiler needs to go through all the code and perform checks and optimizations again. Interpreter on the other hand can pick up changes immediately, it will just execute new code line by line. So it’s faster to apply new changes in interpreted programming languages than in compiled ones.

Debugging is easier in interpreted programming languages, because debugger doesn’t have to go through intermediate representation of a code. It also doesn’t have to go through all source code to show that there is for example some syntax error.

Mixed approach

As there are important pros and cons of using both interpreter (faster in development) and compiler (optimizations applied to code) programming languages designers came up with mixed approach to use advantages of them both.

This approach is used in for example: Java, C#, Python or Ruby. In these languages source code is compiled to bytecode (or object-code), which can be executed by an interpreter. In this approach optimizations are applied during compilation, but we can also execute code quicker by using interpreter.

My plans for a compiler

I’m attempting to write source-to-source compiler in Python. My language will be also based on Python, because I don’t feel ready to design my own language from scratch (yet!).

In the next weeks I’m going to start from writing its frontend part, so I will have to design syntax of my language. Then I’ll write lexical analyzer along with syntax and semantic analyzer. Next part will be intermediate code generator, which will be an introduction to backend part of my compiler.

Summing up

I hope now you know a bit about what is a differences between interpreter and compiler and what they are doing. Also what is a difference between low-level and high-level languages. In next post I’m going to go through some necessary must-know stuff about programming languages, which is necessary to make decisions when designing a completely new programming language.

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