There is no implementation of graph in Python Standard Library. The truth is that graph structure is rarely put into standard libraries - I can come up with only one example of programming language which has this structure by default: Erlang and its digraph. Anyway - today I want to focus on its implementation in Python, because it’s one of things in which I feel lack of pointers with comparision to C/C++ languages.

Let’s say we want to implement some graph algorithm (like Dijkstra) in Python, but we want to write as less code as possible for graph structure implementation. So our requirements are:

  • small amount of code (we want to be able to code it fast and forget even faster :wink:)
  • ability to change our structure dynamically (we want to add some edges or vertices after graph initialization)
  • graph is undirected (for each two vertices there can be at most one edge and edges don’t have directions)

Generally there are many approaches in implementing graphs, but I want to focus on those two:

  1. adjacency list
  2. adjacency matrix

In this post I want to go through the first approach - the second I will describe next week.

Graph as adjacency list in Python

Graph represented as an adjacency list is a structure in which for each vertex we have a list of adjacent vertices. So for graph from this picture:

the adjacent lists for each vertex will look like this:

  • for \(A\): \([B, C, D]\)
  • for \(B\): \([A]\)
  • for \(C\): \([A, D]\)
  • for \(D\): \([A, C]\)

In C++ we can achieve this kind of structure by creating a node structure for storing an array of pointers to other nodes (better to use std::vector than regular array):

    class node {
        std::vector<node*> neighbors;

On a snippet above there is only a structure, but you can add edges just by pushing back initialized nodes to neighbours, whole graph structure can be just a list (vector, array, etc) of nodes.

In Python it is not much harder. For algorithmic contests it should be enough to implement whole graph structure with adding edges and vertices like this:

    class Graph(dict):
        def __init__(self, vertex_list, edge_list):
            for v in vertex_list:
                self[v] = set()
            for e in edge_list:

        def add_edge(self, edge):
            Edge is a tuple of two vertices

        def add_vertex(self, vertex):
            self[vertex] = set()

    # usage:
    graph = Graph(['A', 'B'], [('A', 'B')])
    graph.add_edge([('A', 'C')]
    neighbours_of_A = graph['A']  # graph derives from dict

I’ve used here two basic data structures from Python Standard Library: dict and set. My Graph is a dictionary in which I store vertices labels. Usage of dict allows quick access to elements. In Python dict is implemented as a hash table, so the average time complexity of accessing an element is \(O(1)\) - the same as when using std::vector in C++. For storing list of adjacent vertices I’ve used set data structure, because set gets rid of duplicates. Actually in Python set is also implemented as hash table - it is a dict which stores dummy values. Using this structure allows us to check if vertex is adjacent to other vertex in average time complexity \(O(1)\) (the worst is \(O(|E|)\) where \(|E|\) is number of edges in graph).

There is shorter implementation…

When you are a hardcore contestant in algorithmic competitions you can make implementation of a graph structure shorter by using defaultdict (it’s a bit modified dict, average time complexity of operations is the same):

    from collections import defaultdict

    d = defaultdict(set)  # structure initialization

    # add an edge (remember to add to both vertices!)

    # d is defaultdict(<type 'set'>, {1: set([2]), 2: set([1])})

It seems that it’s possible to have a structure implementation of graph in only one line… This deafultdict uses a default value set() for not initialized keys - it’s quite dangerous. What will happen when you add an edge for not existing vertex? The previous implementation will throw KeyError exception in this case, but this one will just create a new vertex along with this edge. Actually it can be a desired behaviour, anyway, you should be aware of this - it’s not a fault tolerant implementation. Also if you forget to add an edge to both edge vertices funny things can happen. Probably it’s better to use it in this way for directed graphs and for undirected write a separate function which adds an edge.

Deleting vertex and edge

    class Graph(dict):
        # ...

        def delete_edge(self, edge):

        def delete_vertex(self, vertex):
            temp_neighbour_set = self[vertex].copy()
            for neighbour_vertex in temp_neighbour_set:
                self.delete_edge((neighbour_vertex, vertex))
            del self[vertex]

Deleting an edge is quite easy - we just have to remove corresponding vertices from two sets. For deleting a vertex we need to iterate over its adjacency set, remove an edge between this vertex and each neighbour, then finally remove it from our dictionary. The average time complexity is \(O(deg(|V|))\) (degree of vertex - number of its neighbours), because checking if vertex is in set of edges is in \(O(1)\), deleting elements from set is \(O(1)\) and deleting from dictionary is also implemented in \(O(1)\), so only iterating through vertex neighbours matters. For sparse graphs each vertex degree is small, so it will be almost \(O(1)\). Unfortunately the worst case complexity scenario can become \(O(|V|^2)\), where \(|V|\) is number of vertices. It’s because worst scenario complexity of deleting from set is \(O(|V|)\)) and our vertex can have at most \(|V| - 1\) neighbours, when graph is dense.

Pros and cons of using list adjacency approach in Python

List adjacency implementation of a graph is easy to understand, also it’s quite readable (if you don’t use any magic approaches like defaultdict(set)). It’s good for sparse graphs, because it doesn’t use any additional memory - only what’s necessary to store vertices and edges, so \(O(|V| + 2 * |E|)\). One of the biggest cons is that for dense graphs the dictionary operations can have a worst case scenario about \(O(|V|)\). The deletion of vertex can have quite bad time complexity (even \(O(|V|^2)\)…) - it can be done much faster using other approaches. I guess in C++ it can be done better even with this approach, because we can just set a value of a node to null and after deletion of vertex, pointers of this vertex in other vertices adjacency lists will point to this null. It’s good to get rid of those null pointers in adjacency lists, but it can be postponed (for example only done for each adjacency list when searching adjacent vertex). I think this amortized approach can’t be easily done in Python, because it lacks pointers.

You can find code from this post here: gist. Hopefully you enjoyed reading about this approach for implementing graph structure. Let me know your thoughts or remarks in comments!

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